Whether you’re a fan of Sports, Concerts, Theater, or Comedy, Expedia’s event tickets site has tickets to see them all! There are thousands of events happening every day, so be sure to search our event tickets site to get the best ticket selection. Whether you’re looking for an event near home or far away, purchase your Expedia event tickets here!
Sports have been a staple of entertainment since their inception. Check out the NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, and MLS schedule for sports tickets. If you’re a fan of college sports, look no further. We have tickets to see college baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, wrestling, and many more. Sports have only been growing in spectacle and viewership, so don’t miss your chance to experience the action live! Get tickets to see your favorite team at home or on the road.
It doesn’t matter how long you have been a fan, nothing beats seeing an artist perform live! If you’ve been longing to see an artist, check out our site to see if they are touring. Check out our Destinations page to see who’s playing in a city near you.
Theater is a combination of fine art and live performance, creating new worlds and perceptions. Expedia has tickets to see the biggest and the smallest performances. We have tickets for all types of plays—from Broadway shows to local productions—and we also have tickets to the ballet, circus, and family-friendly shows.
It doesn’t matter if you’re at home or traveling, check out Expedia’s amazing selection of events on our event tickets sitemap!