Find all hotels by Drury Inn & Suites in Wichita, KS

Compare rooms and suites by Drury Inn & Suites in Wichita with rates, reviews, and availability. Most hotels are fully refundable.

Ready for your next trip to Wichita? Who isn't? Cross accommodations off your To Do list, by taking advantage of Expedia to book Drury hotels in South Central Kansas. Enjoy all the relaxation that Drury provides. So you can choose to be adventurous in what you eat, not where you stay.

We have a huge selection of hotels worldwide, so if you're looking for your number one brand, you'll certainly find it here. There is just one Drury in Wichita, but we are sure it has what you require. We think you'll see all the advantages you know you should expect, at great prices. And while Drury is popular for their hotels, they also provide superb apart-hotels in specific cities. You can research all you want to know, right here on Expedia.

Expedia also lists dependable reviews for your selected accommodation, so you know just what to expect before you arrive. Indeed, we've checked that our reviewers actually made the trip, so when the record shows 100% of them would tell a friend to stay at Drury hotels in Wichita, you'll know it's a great place. Guests gave an average overall rating of 5, so you can see why Drury hotels and apart-hotels are so crowd-pleasing. These hotels have received high ratings across the board - cleanliness (4.9), service (4.9), conditions (5.0), and comfort (4.8) - there's simply not a better place to stay in Wichita.

More and more travelers are visiting the Air Capital of the World this year, so come see what all the fuss is about! Make your own reservation soon so you don't miss your chance. Whatever month you want to make new memories, you'll discover a first-class selection of Drury hotels right here on Expedia. There are tons of great added benefits about to be heading at you book quickly. Wichita is calling to you. It's time to obey the call, in style.

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