Why are flights in November special?

When November rolls around, it seems everyone has travel on their minds. After all, Thanksgiving is toward the end of the month, and it’s the perfect excuse for friends and family to gather for a turkey feast. This year, maybe you’re looking to travel to your best bud’s house for a “Friendsgiving,” or perhaps you’re eyeing an unconventional Thanksgiving in the form of a solo vacation just for you. With a few days off work, it’s the ideal time to travel, regardless of what you have in mind for the actual event. When it comes to finding hot deals, you’ll come across cheap flights in November right here with us.

Save on November airline fares here At Expedia.com, we know you want to travel without going outside your budget. The holidays are just around the corner, and you don’t want to blow all your savings on a November vacation. That’s why we offer awesome November flight deals that make your travels more affordable. It’s easy: simply browse our selection of low-cost airfare and pick the flight that matches your travel preferences. You’ll find all kinds of destinations and flight times, which help make booking a cinch. Reserve your cheap November flights today and you’ll be all set for a grand adventure this fall..

Cheap Flights in November FAQs

Can I find cheap flights in November?

You can find cheap November flights in no time with Expedia. Winter wonderlands await across Europe and the USA, while summer is knocking on the door in South America, Australia and much of Africa. Wherever you want to fly, it’s easy to find a great deal to take you there. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms may apply.

Where is the cheapest place to fly in November?

If you’re looking for cheap international flights in November, you’ve come to the right place. Mexico is magical at this time of year, with lighter crowds and lower temperatures making for perfect sightseeing conditions. If it’s sizzling hot sun that you’re after though, forgo a flight to Mérida and instead head a little further to South America. The summer is just starting to sizzle in Rio de Janeiro so grab a flight to Brazil before the crowds do.

How do I find the best November flight deals?

A few clicks are all it takes to cast your eye across incredible November flight deals with Expedia. After you’ve entered your trip details and hit search, make use of the filters to find the flight that best fits your bill. You can also sort your results by price, duration, and plenty more, so you can make your choice based on what matters most.

Will November flight ticket prices go down around Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is understandably one of the busiest times to take to the skies, so November flight ticket prices are likely to spike around this time of year. If you can be flexible and travel a little earlier or later than planned, you can usually still find a great deal. Non-direct services are also often a little kinder on your coinage.

Can I book flexible November flight deals or cancel after booking?

Absolutely. We’ve got plenty of November flights with free cancellation and refund options within 24 hours of your booking. You can also search for flights without a change or cancel fee by checking the right travel and baggage filters. Every airline also has their own cancellation and rebooking policies, so check them out before you book too.

Why should I book my November flights with Expedia?

In a matter of clicks, you can take your pick from a wide range of fantastic November flights, heading to and from all directions around the world. Choose flexible options for greater peace of mind, and bundle your flights, accommodation, and car rental into one package for even greater savings. And don’t forget, our virtual agents and friendly customer service team are always on hand should you need any help.

Terms and Conditions:

Sample prices reflect the lowest fares on Expedia found by our customers over the last 48 hours and are quoted for one adult and include taxes for round trip economy/coach class travel. Prices do not include additional baggage fees that may be charged by the applicable airline. Actual price may vary based on time/date of search, booking date, travel dates, origin, and destination. Fares and rules are subject to change without notice. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights/dates. Lower fares on other airlines may be available to selected destinations. Tickets may be non-transferable and non-refundable. Read the complete penalty rules for changes and cancellations applicable to the fare you're considering booking.