Newport Hotel Deals

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Newport Hotel Deals Information

Are there any cheap hotel deals in Newport, RI?

Yes! Newport is known for its mansions (and you don’t want to miss a tour of the Breakers or the Marble House), but that doesn’t mean you can’t find cheap hotel deals in Newport, RI. Check out our special discounts to score big savings.

Are there any deals at the Hotel Viking in Newport, RI?

The nearly 100-year-old Hotel Viking is a favorite of many visitors for its history, comfortable rooms, unparalleled amenities, and location right in the heart of Newport. Take advantage of our exclusive rates on rooms at this Rhode Island icon.

What are the best Newport, Rhode Island hotel deals?

Find the cheapest deals on Newport hotels right here on Expedia. There’s no point in spending more than you have to, and you can save that extra cash for a meal at White Horse Tavern—the oldest restaurant still operating in the United States.

How can I get last-minute hotel deals in Newport, RI?

Booking a surprise trip to Newport? Not a problem. Our last-minute travel deals feature special offers on airfare and last-minute hotel deals that make planning a cinch, no matter how late you books.

How much can I save with Newport, Rhode Island discounts from Expedia?

Big savings are in store when you take advantage of our exclusive discounts and Expedia Rewards program. For deeper discounts, consider a package deal that includes the cheapest flight, a car rental, and more.

How else can I plan a trip to Newport, RI?

From the scenic shoreline to the mansions and charming shops in town, there are a lot of things to do in Newport. For help planning, look through our Newport Travel Guide. For additional information on local events or activities, check out the city’s official website.