Where to stay

in Shimenkan

We'd like to help you find something that checks all your boxes.

Travelers to Shimenkan like its museums, monuments, and historic sites. While you're exploring, swing by some notable sights like Porcelain Tower and Temple of Confucius to learn some history about the area. Gate of China and Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Museum are also a few notable stops. Whether you're looking to stay in a trendy neighborhood or you'd like to be a little more tucked away, you'll be able to find your ideal accommodation in Shimenkan.

Best places to stay offering breakfast

SSAW Boutique Hotel Nanjing Qifeng Confucius House is a hotel with free WiFi and free parking.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay for families

The Hotel V Confucius Temple is a hotel featuring free parking and free WiFi. SSAW Boutique Hotel Nanjing Qifeng Confucius House is a hotel featuring a restaurant and free parking. Young Inn is a hotel featuring free WiFi.

Recommended hotels

Top luxury accommodations in Shimenkan

Regalia Resort & Spa Qin Huai River is a 5-star hotel featuring a casino and a bar.

Recommended hotels

Top places to stay near the airport in Shimenkan

Xinzhilv Garden Hotel is a hotel featuring free airport pick-up and parking.

Recommended hotels

Cities near Shimenkan