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Ashburn, VA, US

Sorry, we're unable to find events near Ashburn for the dates selected. Here are our Monster Jam events nationwide.

Monster Jam Ticket Information

There’s something about watching a big truck with bigger tires roll over obstacles the size of your house that just captures everything entertainment should be. The only thing greater? Watching a whole arena full trucks competing to see which one of them can do it best. A ticket to Monster Jam puts you in the middle of a horde of over-engineered vehicles and daredevil drivers who’ve gathered for a festival of horsepower, spectacle, and antics you shouldn’t try at home.

After more than 40 years of exhibitions and automotive one-upmanship, monster trucks have made a name for themselves in one of the most high-octane competitions you’ll ever see. Vehicles like Grave Digger, Raminator, Megalodon, and EarthShaker deliver their own brand of excitement as they tear up the track, doing wheelies in midair and showing just how many places a 66-inch tire can take you.

World Class Drivers

Monster Jam lets you see the best drivers and biggest trucks take to the field and vie against each other to prove who can drive it best. Whether you want to see the freestyle or the racing competition, or you just want an up-close look at the 12-foot-tall trucks with suspension rigs bigger than most whole cars, there’s something special about seeing it in person. From the touring shows around the country to the World Finals in Las Vegas, this is action you don’t want to miss.

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