cfar-terms-contentCancel for Any Reason Terms and Conditions
In addition to the Expedia terms of use, these terms and conditions govern Cancel for Any Reason: What is Cancel for Any Reason?
Things happen and plans can change. That’s why we offer Cancel for Any Reason for purchase on select flights to give you flexibility when you travel. When you purchase Cancel for Any Reason, if you decide to cancel your flight, you’ll get a partial refund of the total flight booking. The amount of your applicable refund will be displayed prior to booking and will be based on the original price paid for the flight.
- Cancel your trip on Expedia up to 24 hours before the first flight in your booking is initially scheduled to depart.
- Get your refund of the total flight booking, including any fees for seats and/or bags, if applicable.
- We’ll automatically process your refund.
How to buy Cancel for Any Reason
Choose your flight and add Cancel for Any Reason, which is offered on select flights.
How to cancel your flight and get your refund
2. Select the flight booking that you want to cancel
4. Select Cancel booking and follow the steps on the screen
When you purchase Cancel for Any Reason and cancel your flight at least 24 hours before it is initially scheduled to depart, we’ll automatically issue your refund to your original payment method. It may take up to 7 working days before you see it.
Other Terms & Conditions:
1. Cancel for Any Reason is an optional add-on to your flight. You can cancel your flight anytime, with or without Expedia’s Cancel for Any Reason product.
2. You can cancel on Expedia up to 24 hours before the first leg of your trip to get your refund of the total flight booking, including seats and bags if any were added at the time of booking.
3. Any refund will be issued as a credit to the form of payment used to book the original Expedia itinerary. If you purchased the flight using OneKeyCash, your Cancel for Any Reason refund will be issued in OneKeyCash.
4. To get your refund with Cancel for Any Reason, you’ll need to cancel the entire booking. If you cancel flights for some travelers on your booking but not all, you won't be eligible for a refund.
5. If you get a full refund from the airline, Cancel for Any Reason will be voided. Expedia will issue you a refund of the price you paid for Cancel for Any Reason.
6. If, after you purchase Cancel for Any Reason, you make any changes to your flight that require additional payment, the amount of your applicable refund will be based on the original price paid for the flight.
7. The amount of your applicable refund will be displayed prior to booking and will be based on the original price paid for the flight.
8. Cancel for Any Reason is not transferable and is only valid for the flights for which it was purchased.
9. Cancel for Any Reason is offered only on select flights.
10. Cancel for Any reason is not insurance. It is not an offer to insure and does not take the place of insurance obtained or obtainable by you.
11. Determinations of eligibility for a Cancel for Any Reason refund are at the discretion of Expedia.
12. For consumers in the United States, you may be entitled to cancel your flight booking through the airline up to 24 hours after purchase with no penalty. If you submit a valid cancellation for your flight with the airline during this cancellation window and receive a refund from the airline, Expedia will issue you a refund of the fee you paid to purchase the Cancel for Any Reason product.