Where to stay

in Collbato

We'd like to help you find something that's as perfect in atmosphere as it is in location.

Travelers to Collbato like its mountain views, restaurants, and shopping. If you want to explore some beautiful natural spaces, Montserrat and Coves del Salnitre are a few places worth a stop. Sant Joan Funicular and Santa Cova Funicular are also a few notable stops. Whether you're looking to stay right in the heart of town or you'd like to be a little more tucked away, you'll be able to find a great place to stay in Collbato.

Best places to stay offering breakfast

Checkin Montserrat is a hotel with free WiFi and free parking. Hostal Can Missè is a hotel with free breakfast and free WiFi. It's located a short 10-minute walk from Coves del Salnitre.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay for families

Checkin Montserrat is a hotel featuring an outdoor pool and a restaurant. Hostal Can Missè is a hotel featuring an outdoor pool and free parking.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay with pools

Hostal Can Missè is a hotel featuring an outdoor pool and free breakfast. It's just a short 10-minute walk from Coves del Salnitre. Checkin Montserrat is a hotel featuring a seasonal outdoor pool and free WiFi.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay for travelers on a budget

Hostal Can Missè is a hotel featuring free breakfast. It's just a short 10-minute walk from Coves del Salnitre.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay near the airport

Hostal Can Missè is a hotel featuring an airport shuttle and free breakfast.

Recommended hotels

Cities near Collbato