Where to stay

in Peillon

We'd like to help you find an accommodation that's a great fit for your trip.

The mountain views and restaurants are some of the top things travelers enjoy about Peillon. If you're an outdoorsy traveler, Japanese Garden is a top place to check out. Monte Carlo Golf Club and Circuit de Monaco are a few other top places to visit nearby if you're interested in checking out the surrounding area. Whether you're looking to stay in a trendy neighborhood or you'd like to be a little more tucked away, you'll be able to find your ideal accommodation in Peillon.

Best places to stay offering breakfast

Auberge de la Madone is a hotel with free WiFi and free parking.

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Best places to stay for couples

Auberge de la Madone is a hotel featuring 2 restaurants and wedding services.

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Best places to stay for families

Auberge de la Madone is a hotel featuring 2 restaurants and free parking.

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Best places to stay for travelers on a budget

Auberge de la Madone is a 3-star hotel that's a favorite with budget travelers. Some features include free WiFi and free parking. The property is noted for its helpful staff and dining options. You'll be well placed to visit Restaurant L’authentique and Les Plaisirs, both steps away.

Recommended hotels

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