Where to stay

in Spicewood

We'd like to help you find an accommodation that's a great fit for your trip.

Visitors to Spicewood like its wineries, parks, and golf courses. If you're searching for some interesting activities to fill your time while exploring the area, you might check out Krause Springs or Spicewood Vineyards. Lake Travis and Pace Bend Park are also a few notable stops. Whether you're looking to stay in a trendy neighborhood or you're interested in a more secluded spot, you'll be able to find a great place in Spicewood.

Best places to stay for couples

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Best places to stay for families

Lakefront OMG! Eco-cabin featured on CBS's show "Staycation" - Kayaks, SUP, Yoga is a B&B featuring in-room kitchens and a playground.

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