Where to stay

in Yuen Long

We'd like to help you find something that's as perfect in atmosphere as it is in location.

Travelers to Yuen Long appreciate its shopping, restaurants, and waterfront views. Get out and about and explore some top attractions like Happy Coast and W28 Wargame centre. Kingswood Ginza Shopping Center and Hong Kong Wetland Park are also a few notable stops. Whether you're looking to stay in a trendy neighborhood or you'd like to be a little more tucked away, we'd like to help you find your ideal accommodation in Yuen Long.

Best places to stay offering breakfast

Harbour Plaza Resort City is a 3.5-star hotel that includes laundry facilities and a restaurant. Travelers give good reviews for its proximity to shopping.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay for families

Harbour Plaza Resort City is a 3.5-star hotel popular with family travelers. It features a restaurant and laundry facilities and gets good reviews for its spacious rooms and proximity to shopping.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay for travelers on a budget

Harbour Plaza Resort City is a 3.5-star hotel that's ideal for frugal travelers, featuring laundry facilities and a restaurant and noted for its proximity to shopping. You'll be well placed to visit +WOO and Kingswood Ginza Shopping Center, both steps away.

Recommended hotels

Best places to stay near the airport

Harbour Plaza Resort City is a 3.5-star hotel featuring 2 restaurants and a bar. The property is popular for its proximity to shopping.

Recommended hotels

Cities near Yuen Long