Travel your way with UnionPay

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UnionPay cards are accepted in 179 countries and regions worldwide and is available on Expedia.

UnionPay is accepted by more than 4,000 hotels and over 20 international five-star hotel groups. So whether you're looking for a romantic weekend away, weekend adventure or family road trip, UnionPay is there for you. Easily enter your UnionPay card for a quick and easy checkout!

Wherever and whenever in the world you may be with a UnionPay premium card, you can always enjoy a full range of exclusive privileges including overseas travel assistance, medical assistance, VIP medical & healthcare service, high-end travel insurance, 24-hour concierge service, etc. UnionPay premium card provides you with a wealth of special privileges. The Accident Insurance for Public Transportation with our tailored service and elaborate planning are aimed at meeting your overseas travelling demands.

Checking out with UnionPay is quick and easy

Step 1

Select UnionPay from payment options.


Step 2

Enter your information by following a few simple steps.


Step 3

Check out securely in just a few clicks.


Simple staycations

Rediscover your own city with a local escape - a great way to get away while staying close to home.

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Road trip destinations

Pack a bag and crank up your favorite playlist - it's time to hit the road.

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Last Minute Deals

Time to get away? Take advantage of last-minute deals on stays.

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Terms and Conditions:

Special offers are only available at participating hotels. Hotel savings are based upon Expedia’s everyday hotel rates, excluding taxes and other fees. Minimum stay may be required. Offers are subject to availability and may be discontinued without notice. Additional restrictions and blackout dates may apply.