Where to stay

in Northeast Region

Learn about the European settlement of Brazil, ride up and down sand dunes and snorkel in the natural pools formed by coral reefs.

The Northeast Region of Brazil was the first arrival point for Portuguese settlers in 1500. It is one of the five major political and geographical regions of Brazil, and includes nine out of the country’s 26 states. Discover countless beaches that sprawl along this picturesque zone of sand dunes and trees from the Atlantic Forest.

Many of the major sights, such as those in the city of Natal, are near the coast. Natal is known for the impressive Newton Navarro Bridge, the Alberto Maranhão Theater and the vast sand dunes that cover the region. Rent a buggy to ride up and down the dunes of Genipabu Beach, which has a lagoon.

Head south from Natal for about 180 miles (290 kilometers) to reach Recife. Pick your favorites from the boats in the Recife Harbor and relax on Pina Beach and Boa Viagem Beach. The city was the capital of the Dutch-ruled country in the 1600s. Today, see the many intriguing sites from this era. Explore the historic center on a small islet for the Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue, the Igreja de Madre de Deus and the Teatro Apolo.

Another 160 miles (260 kilometers) south is Maceió, a beach haven with luxury tents and excellent service. Gaze up at the impressive Maceió Metropolitan Cathedral. Walk in the shallow water and snorkel in the natural pools of Ponta Verde Beach, Pajuçara Beach and Paripueira Beach.

In the southern part of the Northeast Region is its largest city, Salvador. Admire the quaint colonial feel of old structures such as the 17th-century Cathedral of Salvador, the São Marcelo Fort and the black-and-white Barra Lighthouse. Further south still is Porto Seguro. In this historic city, learn about the Portuguese settlers at the Discovery of Brazil Memorial.

The Northeast Region occupies a vast area of land in Brazil. Fly to an international airport in one of the region’s large cities.

Expect hot weather year-round, with more rain and cooler temperatures April through August. Pristine beaches, coral reef networks and sand dunes make the cultural and historical Northeast Region an unforgettable vacation spot.