Tips on how to find flights under $200

Where can I fly for under $200?

Sun-soaked Orlando is just one of many destinations you can be jetting off to with flights under $200. Brace yourself for several action-packed days in popular theme parks that dot this popular corner of the Sunshine State. You may also be jetting off to Las Vegas with cheap flights to Las Vegas under $200.

Where can I find flight deals for under $200?

Use the search tool to your advantage and compare hundreds of flight options all on one screen: with a wide range of carriers available, you may be able to score flights for under $200 in 2024 here on Expedia. It helps to be flexible with your dates to score flights under some of the best flights under $200.

How do I find flight deals under $200?

Start your trip planning early to land some of the best flight deals under $200. The fuller a plane gets, the more the price may go up, so booking in advance can be a good idea. Having flexible travel dates can also help – use our 'Flexible dates' calendar above the search results to check which dates offer flights for under $200.

Where can I find one-way flight deals for under $200?

You can book one-way flight deals for under $200 here on Expedia, such as to Costa Rica. This lush green destination is a nature lover's paradise, with exciting places like the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve teeming with wildlife. You may also be able to jet off to Fort Lauderdale with cheap flights to Fort Lauderdale under $200.

Can you recommend any round-trip flights under $200?

You may be able to fly away to colorful Puerto Rico with cheap round-trip flights under $200 to San Juan. With warm weather all year round, it's the place to be for some winter sun. If you've always wanted to visit the Big Apple, browse cheap flights to New York to find out if you can score flights for under $200.

Can you recommend any cheap flights under $200 round trip?

If you want to live it up in Las Vegas for a weekend, you may be able to find flights under $200 round trip on Expedia. Or head for a Chicago city break, and use Expedia's extensive search feature to see if you can find cheap flights to Chicago for under $200.

Can I book international flights under $200?

Yes, on Expedia you may be able to find international flights under $200 in 2024 to neighboring Mexico and Canada. For example, it may be possible to find cheap flights to Tulum or Toronto, especially if your travel dates are flexible and you can travel during the less busy times of the year.

What are the best Expedia flights under $200?

Some of the best Expedia flights under $200 may include cheap flights to Los Angeles, Denver or Houston. Just enter your dates into the search bar to find out what flights under $200 are available – the world is your oyster.

Can I change or cancel my flight for under $200 if I need to?

If your flight under $200 allows for changes and cancellations, you can do so by logging into My Trip. Keep in mind that many airlines charge a fee for this, so it's worth checking the fare rules before you confirm your reservation.

Why should I book a flight under $200 with Expedia?

Booking a flight under $200 is easy with Expedia's flight search, which lets you use filters to narrow down your search results.

*Prices and availability subject to change. Additional terms may apply.

Terms and Conditions:

Sample prices reflect the lowest fares on Expedia found by our customers over the last 48 hours and are quoted for one adult and include taxes for round trip economy/coach class travel. Prices do not include additional baggage fees that may be charged by the applicable airline. Actual price may vary based on time/date of search, booking date, travel dates, origin, and destination. Fares and rules are subject to change without notice. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights/dates. Lower fares on other airlines may be available to selected destinations. Tickets may be non-transferable and non-refundable. Read the complete penalty rules for changes and cancellations applicable to the fare you're considering booking.